You may already be aware of the benefits of certain vegetables for our health, but have you considered the mushrooms ? This often underestimated ingredient is ideal for improving your health thanks to its richness in vitamin D. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of this superfood and how to incorporate it into your daily diet.
The health benefits of mushrooms
Rich in nutrients, mushrooms have exceptional health properties. Here are some reasons why you should consume it regularly:
- Natural source of vitamin D: Mushrooms are one of the few plant sources of vitamin D, an essential nutrient for maintaining good bone and immune health. The amount of vitamin D depends on the type of mushroom and how it was grown (exposure to sunlight).
- A low calorie intake: Mushrooms are also low in calories and can easily be integrated into a balanced diet. They contain around 20 calories per 100g depending on the variety.
- Rich in fiber: Mushrooms are rich in dietary fiber, which aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy weight.
- A good source of antioxidants: Mushrooms contain antioxidants like selenium, ergotamine and polyphenols that help protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals and play a role in preventing certain chronic diseases such as aging, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.
How to include mushrooms in your diet?
Incorporating mushrooms into your meals is simple and they can be used in a variety of ways to add flavor and nutrients to your dishes. Here are some ideas to help you incorporate them into your diet:
- In a salad: Add slices of raw or lightly cooked mushrooms to your salad for an extra boost of vitamin D and fiber.
- In sauce: Prepare a delicious mushroom sauce to accompany pasta, rice or fish. You can cook them with onion, white wine and crème fraîche to obtain a creamy and tasty texture.
- Stuffed: Cook large portobello mushrooms stuffed with cheese, vegetables or meat for a nutritious and filling main dish.
- In soup: A creamy mushroom soup is perfect for cold winter days. Mix different types of mushrooms to intensify flavors and add various nutrients to your plate.
- Stir-fries: Mushrooms are delicious sautéed with garlic, thyme and other vegetables like spinach, red peppers, cherry tomatoes and zucchini. You can also add them to your omelettes, quiches, pizzas, sandwiches or in a risotto.
Choosing organic mushrooms
To fully benefit from the benefits of mushrooms on your health, it is important to choose products organic if possible. Organic mushrooms are grown without the use of harmful pesticides, which preserves the nutritional quality of the product and avoids the presence of chemical residues potentially dangerous for our body.
Where to find organic mushrooms?
There are several ways to obtain organic mushrooms:
- Organic stores: There you can find a wide variety of fresh and dried mushrooms from organic farming.
- Local markets: Local producers often offer seasonal organic mushrooms, grown outdoors or in greenhouses.
- Grow it yourself: You can also grow your own organic mushrooms at home using grow kits or by creating your own substrate.
Precautions to take before consumption
Before tasting the mushrooms, a few precautions are necessary to avoid unpleasant surprises:
- The source : Be sure to purchase edible mushrooms from a reputable store and avoid collecting mushrooms from the wild if you do not have the expertise to distinguish edible from toxic species. It is also recommended to never consume a mushroom whose identification is not 100% certain.
- Wash them well: Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly under cold water before eating them to remove traces of soil and bacteria that can cause food poisoning.
- Cook the mushrooms: Cooking mushrooms destroys certain indigestible compounds and reduces the risk of food poisoning. So don’t hesitate to cook your mushrooms well before eating them, especially if you are eating them for the first time or if you are not used to eating them.
Incorporating mushrooms into your diet can significantly improve your intake of vitamin D and other essential nutrients. So consider including this underrated ingredient in your meals regularly to benefit from its many health benefits.