These foods to avoid to succeed in your diet and get back in shape before summer

To lose weight effectively and find a harmonious figure for the summer, sometimes you just need to review your diet. Certain food categories can indeed compromise your weight loss efforts. Faced with this observation, we offer you here some advice for adapting your diet and choosing the right products to promote the success of your slimming process.

Foods that are too fatty: put less on your plate!

In order to promote weight loss, it is essential to reduce your consumption of fats which are high in calories. The following foods should therefore be limited or even eliminated from your diet:

  • Cold meats and fatty meats: prefer leaner alternatives such as chicken, turkey or even white fish.
  • Cheeses: Instead, choose low-fat versions without exceeding 30g per serving.
  • Sauces and dressings: opt for homemade recipes with simple, low-calorie ingredients like spices or natural yogurt to replace mayonnaise.
  • Fried foods/crisps: try healthy cooking methods like steaming, non-stick pan or oven.

Foods that are too sweet: Beware of false friends!

Many foods contain added sugar which can build up in your body as fat. To avoid this undesirable effect, you must be vigilant and identify products with a high content of simple sugars:

  • Soft drinks and industrial fruit juices: choose water, unsweetened tea or homemade drinks without added sugar.
  • Pastries, cakes and biscuits: try to limit your consumption of these products and do not hesitate to turn to more dietary recipes when the desire for something sweet arises.
  • Confectionery and chocolate bars: instead choose a fruit to stave off your hunger between meals if necessary.
  • Honey, jams and other sweet condiments: don’t be fooled by their “natural” appearance as they are also high in simple sugars and therefore limiting for your diet.

Processed foods: a hidden source of calories

A large part of the foods sold commercially are processed to offer better product preservation. But these practices can have an impact on nutritional quality and therefore compromise your slimming efforts:

  • Prepared dishes : often rich in salt and substances unsuitable for health, they should be avoided and replaced with homemade recipes.
  • Compatible products low-fat: although tempting with their promise of reducing sugar or fat, these products often contain substitutes that are just as harmful to your health.
  • Processed meats: Sausages, nuggets and other prepared meats lose a significant portion of their nutritional qualities during the process and can turn into hidden sources of calories.

Foods high in salt: hold your hand!

Excess sodium in the diet can lead to an imbalance in cellular functions and cause water retention which will promote inflammation and therefore harm the weight loss process. It is therefore important to limit your consumption of salty foods:

  • Industrial dishes: as mentioned previously, salt is generally overabundant in prepared dishes in order to improve their preservation.
  • Sauces and condiments: Ketchup, soy sauce and other culinary aids often hide a significant amount of sodium that must be kept in mind when using them.
  • Aperitif biscuits: between their salt and fat content, it is preferable to turn to healthier and lower-calorie alternatives to satisfy your hunger pangs.

Tips for succeeding in your slimming process and promoting weight loss

Now that you know the types of foods to limit in your diet, here are some additional tips to help your weight loss process:

  1. Eat balanced meals, focusing on vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins. Also favor home cooking to ensure you have control over what you put on your plate.
  2. Stick to appropriate portions so as not to consume unnecessary calories. To do this, you can use a scale, measuring cups or even list them on the back of the packaging so as not to overuse the products.
  3. Diversify your diet in order to escape the monotony of taste which can lead to frustration and therefore breakdown.
  4. Remember to drink enough water throughout the day to maintain proper functioning of the body and combat water retention. It is generally recommended to drink 1.5 liters per day.
  5. Practice regular physical activity to increase energy expenditure and promote the loss of accumulated fat.
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A propos de l'auteur, Cassie Brown

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